Sport Entrepreneurship

Sport Marketing Management

بـرنــامــج إدارة الـتـسـويــق الــريــاضـي

Sports Business Administration

إدارة الأعــمــال الـريــاضـيــة

تدور الدراسة حول:

Advanced Personal skills - Self Development Diploma

This course will improve your professional skills and help you to achieve your goals and help you get the best from yourself and others

Training Content :

Sports Marketing Diploma

Discover our unique curriculum in digital sports media, sports analytics, and global sports management.
our unique curriculum create the best possible balance of academic and practical expertise

Training content : 

Program  Entrepreneurship in Sports Management

Program Entrepreneurship in Sports Management

 Entrepreneurship in Sports Management  - الريادة في المجال الرياضي


P-Sport combines a world class education, an exclusive sport development program and life skills opportunities in a uniquely professional context.

Verified Certificate